MC name: s_Ethan_s
Playtime: 7 hours 39 minutes (at this time)
Discord ID: 3THAN#5936
I've been staff on about 3 other servers with builder on almost 10.
I want to become staff so i can help the server grow and stop people from being griefed and stop people from hacking. I see great potential in the server and i can help put in new and possibly better plugins for the server which will allow the server to run smoother and allow player accessibility.
I've never been warned nor banned on this server.
I would be about a 4 on the scale of activity.
I understand that i will not be allowed to use creative without the Owner's permission.
I've read through the rules and have been following them ever since i joined.
I'm older then 13 and have a mic.
Scenario 1: I check player 2's log to check if he's placed and lit tnt near the location of player 1's house (or whatever player 2 griefed.) If the logs show the player 2 has griefed he should get a temp ban for a week as it's not too long but will teach him a lesson.
Scenario 2: I go to someone with access to the /unban command and I tell them that i have accidentally banned (name) and that they should get unbanned. I should apologise to the person i falsely banned.
Thank you for considering my staff application :)
Accepted! Welcome to the team!