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Forum Posts

Nov 17, 2019
In Staff Applications
Minecraft Name: Djcake27 Playtime on server (At least 5 hours needed, do /playtime on the server to check your playtime): 7 Hours 20 Minutes Discord ID (e.g bluelandsrp official#4335(Join BluelandsRP Discord Server): Djcake27#0286 Have you ever been staff on a Minecraft Server? Yes Why do you want to become staff? (Make a detailed answer). I haven't been on the server for long, but i have been really enjoying my time on it and found it really fun. I would also really enjoying helping new players and helping improve the server where i can. Do you have any warns or bans?: No How active will you be? (1 being not active and 5 being really active). 3 Do you understand you CANNOT go in creative without Owner's permission? Yes Do you understand our rules? Yes Are you 13 Years old and above? Yes Do you have a microphone? Yes Scenario #1 Player 1 tells you his house was griefed, he says 'Player 2' did it. Do you believe him or what else do you do? If the plugins that make it possible to check what was broken and who did it then use that. If not ask for proof if there isn't any there isn't anything i can do. Scenario #2 You have banned the wrong person, you don't have access to the /unban command, what do you do? Contact someone who can unban then apologise to the person i falsely baned. If no one is available I would contact the falsely baned and tell them they will be unbanned when possible. Thanks for considering me as staff. :)

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